Lawson Provides Insight Into DB2 Universal Database
Minneapolis-based Lawson Software has announced an initiative to integrate the company's Insight business management system with IBM's DB2 Universal Database, according to published reports. The agreement with IBM extends Lawson's current support of the DB2/400 database for the AS/400 to support across all IBM enterprise servers.
Commercial availability of this support is scheduled for November 1999. IBM's DB2 Universal Database is a multimedia, Web-ready relational database management system, designed to combine power for business intelligence with performance and reliability for transaction processing.
"When companies are implementing client/server systems, they also recognize the need to protect their investments in legacy systems, and leverage the power of their enterprise servers," says Jim Kelly, VP of data management marketing for IBM Software Solutions. "In porting to DB2 Universal Database, Lawson will extend the value of its solutions by giving customers direct access to their data, wherever it resides."
Lawson Insight, introduced at January's Lotusphere in Orlando, Fla., is designed to incorporate a set of integrated, Web-deployable application process suites for financials, human resources, procurement, supply chain and performance management.
--L. Greenemeier