Anubis Adds Components to Constructa
Earlier this year, Anubis Inc. introduced its Constructa tool suite, designed to accelerate and simplify the building of a data warehouse. But what if companies wanted to build multiple data warehouses or data marts feeding from a centralized data warehouse, as many do today?
Constructa could help, but still customers had to recreate or duplicate their efforts at each stage. Now, Anubis has extended Constructa by adding the Warehouse Exchange module to it. Warehouse Exchange provides reuse and exchange of Constructa warehouse design components, further speeding up data warehouse construction, especially when multiple data warehouses or data marts are required.
“If you’re building one data warehouse, then the concept of re-use doesn’t apply,” says Amit Desai, principal of Anubis. “But today, most enterprises are building multiple data warehouses, either separate data warehouses or data marts or an enterprise-wide repository or modeling data warehouse that feeds data marts as subsets.
“Both concepts are helped by the concept of having components that you can re-use to build a separate warehouse or subsets of the data warehouse, rather than have to build each data warehouse or data mart from scratch.”
Desai says not only will Warehouse Exchange save time in building data warehouses and data marts, but it will ensure better synchronization between data warehouses/marts in the same organization since the same components are built into them. Warehouse Exchange can customize data marts for each individual department.
“You use Constructa to power the solution, and you can use Warehouse Exchange to customize it for each individual department that asks for a data mart. The pre-designed components can kick-start that process.” Desai says.
“When we first released Constructa, it was a design engineering tool. Now it’s evolved into more of a life-cycle automation tool. The process of manually propagating changes [to a data warehousing system] is very painful. If you have users who aren’t interested in seeing sales by week, and that’s how you had it set up before, that has implications across all different stages, like reports and tables. But with Warehouse Exchange, those changes can be propagated across the warehouse automatically.”
As part of Constructa, Warehouse Exchange runs on 32-bit Windows clients with metadata installed on the target database. Native DDL support is provided for all major relational databases, including DB2/400.