Aldon has Affiniti for Java, E-Commerce
Aldon Computer Group (Oakland, Calif.) has released a beta version of Aldon Affiniti, a new module for the Aldon/CMS change management system. Affiniti extends the application development automation and management concepts of Aldon/CMS to client/server, Java and Web-based development.
The new Aldon/CMS module is a process management oriented system designed to move code and any other files through the appropriate development and testing processes before they reach production, so that the files reaching production are reliable and of high quality.
Developers use Affiniti when they wish to update PC files or AS/400 objects, then promote them back to production. Affiniti automates and tracks all of the movement operations across locations and platforms. The files are stored in the AS/400's Integrated File System (IFS) until needed for modification or testing. When a developer wants to work on a particular application, Affiniti populates the appropriate machine or machines with the necessary files.
Since Affiniti supports the Microsoft Software Change Control Interface (SCCI), it provides access to change management functions through various PC IDEs, such as VisualAge for Java, VisualAge C++, Visual Basic, Codewright, Aldon Flex/Edit and Code/400.
--D. Callaghan