MPG Gets More Out of Performance Navigator with Version 2

With Version 2 of Performance Navigator, Midrange Performance Group (MPG) now offers the market two editions of its AS/400 performance management and capacity planning tool: Standard and Professional.

"Version 2 takes the complexity out of performance management and capacity planning by giving customers and business partners point and click access to months or years of hidden performance data," says Randy Watson, president of MPG (Boulder, Colo.).

The Standard Edition of Performance Navigator is designed to enhance Version 1 with the addition of: CPU-by-job-type graphs; a reports menu with several metrics on jobs, users, communication lines and IOP's; 11 average day graphs; and a disk graph of GB stored.

The Professional Edition has all the graphing features of the Standard Edition, plus: workload graphs and "what-if" capacity planning. The "what-if" menu introduces modeling functions that map to the new AS/400 7XX series as well as older systems. A subsequent release of Professional Edition -- targeted for May of this year -- is expected to include measurement and modeling capabilities designed to embrace logical partitioning (LPAR) capabilities of V4R4.

--L. Greenemeier

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