Links Linux, AS/400 Markets

The buzz surrounding Linux has crept into the periphery of the AS/400 market, as Inc. (New York) announced Linux support with its flagship products, ResQ!Net and ResQ!Net for IBM's Host On-Demand.

ResQ!Net products are designed to provide graphical 3270/5250 host connectivity by transforming AS/400 and mainframe screens into graphical interfaces. Available as both a stand-alone application and an add-on to IBM's Host On-Demand, ResQ!Net is a 100 percent pure Java application designed to provide "on-the-fly" graphical connectivity to legacy host applications on the Internet, intranets and extranets.

"As a 100 percent pure Java product, ResQ!Net delivers a platform-independent graphical terminal emulation that Linux users can easily use on both servers and workstation," says Todres Yampel, president of, formerly known as Advanced Transition Technologies (AT2) Inc.

"The elegant graphical user interface that ResQ!Net provides will help streamline mainstream implementation of Linux as a workstation environment for even the most demanding user," Yampel says.

--L. Greenemeier

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