Domain is Alameda County's criminal, civil and traffic court case tracking, managementand decision support system within the jurisdiction of the Municipal and Superior Courts.Domain ensures a consistent approach to case processing procedures and defines the methodsfor collecting, reporting and interpreting the courts' statistics. Domain tracks allfilings and case-related activities, monitors case management status, automatesscheduling, manages calendars, collects fees and issues notices, orders and other courtdocuments.

Domain also greatly reduced the amount of paper traffic within the courts by providingelectronic imaging capabilities via an interface to FileNet Corporation's ImagingSoftware. The FileNet software, which interfaces with the application tier, runs on a HPNetServer. All documents filed and issued are available as electronic images to all judgeson the bench and in chambers, as well as to their staffs in the courtroom and in theoffices. Domain also generates operational reports and provides facilities for ad hocreporting. A query application is also available on the Internet that provides calendarand summary case information real-time.

Domain was initially deployed at the Oakland Municipal Court in April 1997 and in theFremont Court in April 1998. Deployment continued throughout 1998 and sometime in 1999will include all 20 Alameda County court locations, ultimately growing the current userbase from 100 to 800 users.

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