HP Brings A Host Of IT Resources Online

Ken Deats, Associate Editor

HP on April 15 implemented its new IT Resource Center, an online service that offers certralized, interactive access to HP’s library of technical information, instructors for e-training, advisory and consulting services and technical support.

“Our customers in our education centers are a ready-made focus group,” says Lori Mannel, HP’s manager in its Online Knowledge Services business unit. “What we found from them is that for every one technician in class, there were five to eight back at work who, for one reason or other, couldn’t come to class.”

To satisfy that group, the content of the resource center consists of:

  • Education - online seminars, distance learning, self-paced learning modules and online “office hours” staffed by HP instructors.
  • Support - support information and tools and HP Electronic Support Center.
  • News - continually updated news and exper opinions from HP insiders and industry analysts and links to HP-related publications.
  • Discussion - chat forums and online feedback.
  • Library - including manuals, career-enhancement advice and job aids, FAQs, books, white papers and a link library.
In the future, Mannel says, look for the resource center to offer more in the way of skills assessment and career counseling that will “pinpoint and target the training [customers] need specific for their career,” and a profile engine that will allow HP to customize the site for each visitor.

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