Showcase Adds Austin/400 to Partner Service

ShowCase Corp. (Rochester, Minn.), a provider of integrated, business intelligence software and services for the AS/4000 platform, recently announced that Austin/400 (Austin, Texas) has joined the ShowCase service partner program.

Through this partnership, ShowCase will be able to provide its customers with training and implementation options, ranging from data access to business intelligence suites. Ultimately, this is expected to allow ShowCase clients to get their AS/400 systems running quickly, thus generating a quicker return on IT investments.

Austin/400 offers a spectrum of expertise in ShowCase STRATEGY implementation and modification, and also has training available on a number of levels to help developers and end users maximize the benefits of these tools. Under terms of the agreement, Austin/400 will provide both telephone training and classroom training sessions.

This partnership should help AS/400 users in a variety of areas. ShowCase STRATEGY enables customers to quickly implement business intelligence data warehouse systems. By combining the STRATEGY suite of data tools and Austin/400’s training and implementation expertise, clients will be able to create custom reports more easily. This will allow IS departments to reduce their backlog requests by enabling users to address these requirements themselves.

--J. Martin

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