HP And Lawson Integrate VirtualVault For Web-based INSIGHT

Ken Deats, Associate Editor

HP has announced that Lawson Software will integrate Praesidium VirtualVault with LAWSON INSIGHT II Business Management System, an integration that will allow Lawson customers to conduct business on the Web more securely without compromising the integrity of their enterprises. HP also announced the selection of Lawson Software as a strategic partner in its Praesidium partner program.

"We’re excited about our alliance with Lawson," said Roberto Medrano, general manager of HP's Internet Security Division. "The combination of Lawson's business-management solutions and Praesidium VirtualVault will provide customers secure access to the business-critical information they need without risk to their LAWSON INSIGHT environments."

LAWSON INSIGHT II provides Web-based transactional applications for managing financials, human resources, procurement, supply-chain, collaborative commerce, performance management and enterprise budgeting. Lawson Software's Self-Evident Applications (SEA) model uses thin-client, browser and point-and-click technologies and let companies using LAWSON INSIGHT take advantage of the Internet to gain full Web access to existing ERP applications. By integrating SEA functionality with HP's VirtualVault, Lawson customers can enhance the security of their Internet-based ERP environments that are customized for their business needs, while adding further protection to the applications and data on their intranets.

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