Wall Data Releases Cyberprise Security Service 3.0

Wall Data Inc. has added to its Cyberprise product line again, this time releasing Security Service 3.0 for Windows NT, a security package for the Cyberprise corporate information portal.

Cyberprise Security Service 3.0 is designed to provide authentication and encryption for browser-based access to mission-critical systems via extranets or the Internet.

The product is expected to reduce the risk of unauthorized access via corporate firewalls through the use of a patent-pending single-port HTTP tunneling technology that requires only the HTTPS standard port and standard SSL protocols to carry host data streams.

"More organizations are migrating their mission-critical systems towards an extranet environment, driving the need for greater security," says Jim Raisio, VP of technical marketing at Wall Data. "This new version of Cyberprise Security Service offers complete standards-based implementation and single-certificate authentication to provide a solution which is non-intrusive and easy to administer."

Cyberprise Security Service 3.0 is currently available at a list price of $4,000 per server.

--L. Greenemeier

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