IBM's SecureWay Integrates Network Functions for e-Business

IBM has announced SecureWay Software, an integrated solution to link a critical trio of network functions -- directory, connectivity and security. The product is designed to deploy e-business applications securely, efficiently and cost-effectively.

IBM plans to integrate its directory, connectivity and security products through open Internet standards such as: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), an open directory standard; TCP/IP, an open network connectivity standard; and public key infrastructure (X.509) (PKIK), an open security standard.

SecureWay Software is expected to help companies extend information to partners, customers and suppliers, with more simplicity, security and reliability. The software supports companies that run their businesses using multiple computing systems, including -- OS/400, AIX, OS/2, OS/390, Linux, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.

In addition to the SecureWay Software, IBM also is announcing its Meta Directory Service and SecureWay Specialty for Business Partners.

“Building a successful e-business requires a secure, scalable, and manageable network platform,” says Richard Villars, VP of network architecture at International Data Corp. (Framingham, Mass.). “The combination of IBM’s directory-based SecureWay Software and its network integration expertise will enable IBM to play a leading role in the creation of e-business.”

--J. Martin

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