IBM’s Deep Computing Institute Combines Best of Both Worlds

Recognizing the need to have some of the world’s most challenging business and scientific problems addressed, IBM announced the formation of Deep Computing Institute, a $29-million research initiative that will bring together experts in academia and industry to collaborate on some of these issues as the new millennium approaches.

“Deep Computing” refers to supercomputer-scale processing initiatives that combine massive computation and sophisticated software algorithms to attack problems previously beyond the reach of information technology. Techniques include optimization, simulation, visualization, as well as advanced pattern matching and discovery.

An advisory board of leaders from government laboratories, universities and corporations will oversee the Deep Computing Institute. In all, IBM is committing more than 120 scientists and technologists in research labs ranging from New York to Tokyo. Some of the Institute's initial projects will address topics such as scheduling personnel in complex environments -- such as airline scheduling -- and modeling precise weather patterns.

In addition to specific research projects, the Institute will launch a series of efforts designed to stimulate discussion, experimentation and development in the field of deep computing. The Institute's director will be William R. Pulleyblank, Ph.D., director of Mathematical Sciences at IBM Research.

--J. Martin

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