Online Retailers to Benefit from Enhanced Customer Management and Increased Stability

As part of its burgeoning e-services strategy, HP is porting its WebQoS products to Windows NT and Linux. WebQoS allows online retailers to fortify their sites against potential crashes and provide their customers with consistent service.

"Server overload won't steal profits from online retailers and suppliers that make WebQoS part of their customer-service strategy this year," said Roberto Medrano, general manager for HP's E-services Division. "E-commerce Web sites cannot afford a repeat of last year's missed business and customer opportunities."

Industry analysts say that Windows NT is the primary commerce/transactional operating system currently deployed by Internet service providers and the most common platform for entry-level service vendors. Although Linux has less market share, it is the fastest growing operating system and is less complex.

"We believe the Linux-based operating system is the perfect environment for HP's WebQoS mission-critical focus," said Paul McNamara, vice president of business development at Red Hat. "WebQoS enhances Red Hat Linux by providing reliability, scalability and overall mission-critical performance in the e-commerce space."

HP's WebQoS optimizes Web-site performance and capacity and notifies customers on-the-fly and in real time as to the length of service delays with a new tiered product line. Those products include: WebQoS Peak which delivers consistent performance and capacity similar to the "take a number" method; WebQoS Priority which ensures access and performance for key users and applications; and WebQoS Premium which allows businesses to always run at full capacity.

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