PSA Software Market Study
Changepoint Corporation released information confirming the significant demand for Professional Services Automation (PSA) software within the North American IT services market. According to the new market data, close to 3,000 organizations, with the potential to spend an approximate total of $3.3 billion on software for IT service delivery management, were identified as companies likely to seek this type of specialized software to operate more efficiently.Changepoint commissioned high-tech research and consulting firm Kinetic Information to define and approximate the size and spending habits of this emerging market of PSA software for IT services. The study examined the total number of IT professional services organizations significant enough in scale to require integrated business management solutions. The core markets defined by Kinetic Information included large internal IT departments, IT consulting companies, software development companies and services divisions of high-tech product vendors.While 10,683,002 IT organizations were identified as potential buyers, Kinetic Information applied market sizing characteristics (considering each company’s size, maturity, experience and related need) to further refine its estimation of the PSA software for IT services market. Approximately 1,200 internal IT departments, 1,200 IT consulting companies, 250 software companies and 1,800 high-tech product vendors were identified with the potential to spend an average of $ 1.1 million each for business management software.For more information about Kinetic Information, visit their Web site at For a detailed copy of the PSA market findings or for more information, call (416) 920-9000, x289, or visit