ShowCase Extends Deployment Accelerator to Infinium
ShowCase Corp. (Rochester, Minn.) announced its Financial Analysis Deployment Accelerator, designed to reduce data analysis time from months to weeks, now supports transactions systems from Infinium Software (Hyannis, Mass.). The Financial Analysis Deployment Accelerator is available as part of the ShowCase STRATEGY suite of products, an end-to-end business intelligence solution for the AS/400.
In the past, the Deployment Accelerator was not compatible with Infinium transaction systems, although many other components of the STRATEGY suite were compatible with Infinium. Roger Bottom, VP of marketing for ShowCase, says the decision to integrate Deployment Accelerator came about for two main reasons--the two companies had nearly 300 joint customers, and nearly 90 percent of Infinium customers use the AS/400 for their OLTP (On-line Transaction Processing) systems.
"It was really the next logical step," Bottom adds. "With ShowCase's Deployment Accelerator, data marts that used to take months to deploy now only take weeks. The Infinium integration responds to customer demand for access to enterprise data sources, enabling accurate and effective financial decisions."
The Financial Analysis Deployment Accelerator speeds up the data analysis timeframe through an analytic business template that accelerates the implementation of data marts. By implementing the Deployment Accelerator with Infinium transaction systems, organizations can reduce the total cost of ownership and implementation risk while also creating a strong foundation for building analytical applications.
Bottom says approximately 16 to 17 percent of ShowCase customers' use Infinium, a number he expects to grow. "We're leveraging the power of both products and providing a solid starting point for Infinium customers," he says. "We're pushing the product and hoping to sign up a lot of new customers."
-- J. Martin