Popkin Advises Businesses to Consider a Y2K Freeze
Popkin Software advised businesses to take care to avoid being frozen out by the millennium bug. Across the world many organisations are planning to freeze their installations to protect themselves in the run up to the year 2000. In several instances the freeze is expected to last well into the first quarter next year.
The freeze is going to make it difficult for companies to purchase and install new software within their organisations, but the world will not stand still and wait -- projects will still need to be delivered and competitive advantage maintained.
Popkin Software has adopted an innovative approach to assist companies in avoiding being frozen out. The company has released a version of its best selling System Architect 2001 modelling tool that companies can install now without the need to pre-purchase the software. "The idea is to allow people to install the product widely and have it lie dormant on machines, the product can then either be activated for evaluation purposes using the key code provided or more importantly, allow customers to purchase the software on a commercial basis without any new installations. We merely provide them with a new commercial key code once they have purchased," said Mark McGregor Vice President of Business Strategy at Popkin Software. "We feel that it is important to highlight awareness of this problem now before it becomes too late. In some instances companies have already started to freeze.
System Architect 2001 is the first modeling tool to integrate comprehensive business, process, component, object and data modeling techniques in a single product. Combining the major analysis and design disciplines, System Architect 2001 enables companies to derive their systems requirements directly from the business model, thus ensuring that their IT strategy is more closely aligned with their business goals.
To aid in the distribution of the product Popkin is planning to ship System Architect 2001 as a cover CD on selected magazines and will have the product Web downloadable.
For more information, visit Popkin Software’s Web site at www.popkin.com.