Partnership Adds Flexibility to Tight System Security

There are two sides to system security--the rigid palm-in-the-face aspect that steadfastly protects systems from the outside world and the behind-the-scenes flexibility that makes such protection possible.

Playing to both sides, CCT Ltd. (London) and CCSS Ltd. (Europe) have announced the integration of QMessage Monitor from CCSS with CCT's DetectIT Security Management System. The purpose of integrating QMessage Monitor with DetectIT is to provide added security in the area of centralized system management, while also remaining flexible to a network administrator's existing system software.

This partnership is based upon both companies' decision to provide an interface linking the two products together, according to a CCT spokeswoman. Since DetectIT was developed on the AS/400, rather than "reinvent the wheel," CCT decided to integrate with an existing product that offers users a graphical interface as well as a link to Tivoli Systems Inc. management software, she says.

QMessage works by collecting and processing all messages at a central point, where message priorities can be set. QMessage Monitor also features a paging capability, to ensure critical messages are paged to the necessary authority for attention.

Users that already have DetectIT can use QMessage Monitor in conjunction with DetectIT to centralize and manage system messages. Existing QMessage Monitor customers can similarly incorporate DetectIT auditing security software (DetectIT-AUD) into their AS/400. Despite the integration between DetectIT and QMessage, each is available separately from its respective creator.

--L. Greenemeier

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