WorksRight Offers Free AS/400

By Jim Martin

In a marketing ploy designed to attract potential customers to its suite of products, WorksRight Software, Inc. (Madison, Miss.) announces it will be giving away a new IBM AS/400 model 170 computer on Dec. 1,1999.

WorksRight specializes in ZIP code software for the AS/400 and provides software services to over 1,1000 AS/400 sites. Some of their products include: PER/ZIP4, PER/SORT, ZIP/CITY System and CPC System.

“Everyone is bombarded with so much information and advertising, it is hard to get even a few seconds of anyone’s time,” says Leon Stewart, President of WorksRight. “Everyone likes something free, so we decided that giving away an AS/400 is one way to get a few minutes of attention from our potential customers. We gave away another AS/400 earlier this year and that giveaway attracted so much attention we decided to do it again.”

To enter the drawing, businesses have to log onto the Web site,, and fill out an entry form. In order to be eligible, the company must own an AS/400 or have one on order as of Nov. 30, 1999. “It may seem like a ‘Catch 22’ situation to require ownership of an AS/400, but these are the people we are trying to reach,” says Stewart. “It wouldn’t do us much good to get a million entries from PC owners. Besides, every AS/400 shop needs a development machine.”

The drawing will be held on Dec. 1 and the AS/400 will be awarded to the company, not the individual. The winner will receive the AS/400, OS/400 and the first year’s software subscription.

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