I-Tools and Shop IBM Web Site
IBM unveiled a diversity of products and a new online shopping experience designed for today’s Internet-focused consumer e-lifestyles. These products include the first IBM Aptiva PCs with recently announced, high-speed AMD Athlon processors. In addition, the systems feature World Book Online Internet service with expanded availability and the latest in home phoneline networking technology. These models will be available through the ShopIBM Web site, which has been enhanced to better reflect how consumers want to shop, buy and build a relationship with their e-commerce vendors.
Sold exclusively through the ShopIBM Web site at www.ibm.com/shop, the two new Aptiva S Series systems, the 860 and 865, feature large hard drives, memory storage, fast AMD Athlon processors, DVD-ROM drives, leading graphics cards and integrated home phoneline networking technology.
Included in the subscription price of $9.95 per month or $49.95 per year, World Book Online gives students access to proprietary content from popular newspapers around the country on related research topics, and directs students to relevant and reputable Web sites to help with their studies and reports.
For more information about IBM Aptiva PCs, call (800) 426-7235 (x4340), or visit www.ibm.com/aptiva. For information on World Book Online, call (800) 320-3277, or visit www.worldbookonline.com.