Macro 4 Releases AutoConsole 1.5

By Jim Martin

Macro 4 (Parsipanny, N.J.) has announced the release of AutoConsole 1.5, its AS/400 message monitoring and console management solution designed to ensure that critical messages do not go unanswered and are acted on in a timely manner.

AutoConsole translates messages from the AS/400 into English and purges out non-important ones. It also prioritizes the importance of the messages with color codes.

Version 1.5 takes it a step further, as high priority messages will turn red and flash to draw the attention of the system operators. If there is no response, AutoConsole 1.5 will automatically send an e-mail to other people in charge of managing the system, alerting them that something is wrong.

The newest version also features a revised PC interface, designed to extend its performance enhancement capabilities and give operators a single point of control.

“AutoConsole is already considered a market leader in this sector,” says Marie-Charlotte Patterson, VP of marketing, Macro 4. “The feedback we received during beta testing has been extremely positive, with customers telling us they had been able to cost-justify the product solely as a result of the tremendous time-savings they are gaining with this release, and the human resources they have been able to redirect to critical projects.”

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