
Many Companies Have Not Completed Y2K Contingency Planning

According to a Cutter Consortium study, 79% of companies have started but not completed Year 2000 contingency planning. Ed Yourdon, chairman of Cutter Consortium, has analyzed the results on this study. "Our study shows that most companies have acquired personnel and made some progress. But only a little more than half have reached the testing stage, and 40% say they have finished their implementation and testing. I think the most interesting statistic is that only 13% of companies have finished their contingency planning effort. If nothing else, it suggests that the rest of 1999 is going to be a busy time for most companies — and that’s just for mission-critical systems!"

82.3% of the companies surveyed had committed sufficient funding to deal with their Year 2000 problems, leaving nearly 18% who have not done so.

Yourdon continues, "With less than four months to go, you can probably safely assume that many of these companies will never have the proper funding available for Year 2000 problems in their company."

The Cutter study consists of responses from 96 organizations, with an average IT budget of $38.2 million, and an average IT staff of 816 people. Approximately 86% of respondents were senior managers, IT managers, year 2000 project managers or quality assurance managers.

For more information, visit the Cutter Web site at

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