November/December New Products
KMSystems Web Access Tools
KMSystems’ Web-based capability of its terminal emulation products UTS and T27 ExpressNet32 allows access to host applications via the Web by opening a Web browser and signing on. When a user visits the Web page, files are automatically downloaded and installed or updated. This full-functioning emulator has the advantage of central network or server configuration and administration. ExpressNet32 is installed and runs from a network or Web server.
The administrator can set permissions for all, groups or individual users; user environments conform to one another; individual users can have full, partial or no control over their settings; and any necessary changes are made once and are immediately available to all users.
In addition, KMSystems changed the name of their automatic database reorg generation tool, I-QU 2000 to I-QU ReorgComposer.
For more information, call (770) 857-8730, or visit
Nipson’s 918 CF Printer
Nipson’s 918 CF printer is a continuous form simplex printer for mid-range production volume. With multiple and switchable print resolutions and connections, the 918 CF has a printing speed of 41.66 feet per minute and a 2,000-page integrated stacker. It also has a Windows-based User Interface.
For more information, call (800) 220-5818, or visit
Information Security Policies
Baseline Software’s updated version of Information Security Policies Made Easy is a collection of more than 1,000 policy statements. This step-by-step guide takes readers through the arduous and time-consuming process of writing information security policies and procedures. It gives licensees all the information they need to keep the auditors away, and bring clarity and an integrated management structure to information security activities.
For more information, call (800) 829-9955, or visit
Network Instruments’ Observer 6.2
Network Instruments’ Observer 6.2 is a low-cost protocol analyzer, traffic management and troubleshooting tool for shared and switched environments which offers Voice over IP (VoIP) H.323 protocol decoding. In many organizations, VoIP connections are becoming increasingly important and companies cannot afford to have either their VoIP connection down or have difficulty making and maintaining VoIP communications. The Observer 6.2 VoIP decode allows administrators to troubleshoot a connection quickly with a complete H.323 protocol decodes.
For more information, call (612) 932-9899, or visit
APCON’s LVD 4x2 SCSI Switch
APCON Inc.’s new low voltage differential 4x2 SCSI Switch enables network administrators to share multiple servers with a single tape backup device for more efficient data storage. The Switch enables six independent SCSI buses to be selected and electronically connected in any combination via electronic switching circuits, allowing access to 28 SCSI peripherals.
For more information, call (503) 639-6700, or visit
ViewPoint for Unisys ClearPath
Datametrics Systems Corporation’s E-Business performance management solution, ViewPoint for Unisys ClearPath IX, NX and LX systems provides a single point of monitoring, analysis and troubleshooting. It can be applied to a multitude of application workloads, servers, databases and storage. The new releases address the growing need for in-depth performance information required for complete performance management in Unisys environments.
For more information, visit their Web site at
Security Processor for VPN Systems
Hi/fn Inc.’s 7811 Security Processor, the newest member in its family of VPN encryption products, delivers more than 250 Mbps of triple-DES encryption processing for IP-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) applications – more than three times faster than Hi/fn’s previous products. The 7811 is suited to network equipment applications, including routers, remote access concentrators, VPN gateways, firewalls and Voice-over-IP (VoIP) gateways. The 7811 includes a wide range of industry standard compression, encryption and authentication engines, as well as an on-chip random number generator.
For more information, call (408) 399-3500, or visit
Performance Management Software
TeamQuest Corporation is providing new performance management software free of charge at TeamQuest Lite, a freeware version of TeamQuest Alert, enables system administrators to apply the power of a sophisticated, rules-based management application to their computer monitoring requirements at no cost. TeamQuest Lite is designed to run from a single location on either Windows NT or Sun Solaris platforms and report, in real-time, on the operation of up to five other NT and Solaris systems.
For more information, call (515) 357-2700, or visit
Centralized Software Discounts has introduced a free Internet service for nonprofits and educational institutions to find computer software at discounted prices. Nonprofit organizations and schools can visit and browse a large database of discounted software. Using a search engine that allows searches by keyword, category or product name, you can perform real-time searches for business, communication, education, Internet, graphics, utility and other categories of software.
For more information, call (781) 829-0500, or visit
EmmaSoft’s Darn! Passwords!
EmmaSoft Software’s Darn! Passwords! is a Windows 95/98/NT4 utility that stores your computer passwords in its safe and lets you access your protected programs and Web sites by remembering only one master password. It can be used by an unlimited number of users, each with an individual "safe deposit box" within Darn! Passwords!’s safe. To visit a password-protected Web site, open your Darn! Passwords! safe and click a single button. Your Web browser will open the requested Web site, and you can drag and drop your password.
For more information, call (607) 533-4685, or visit
UPS from Powerware
The Powerware 9125 is the newest addition to Powerware Corporation’s line of uninterruptible power systems (UPSs). The Powerware 9125 is available in power ratings of 700 VA to 2000 VA and provides protection from common power problems facing businesses, including power failures, power sags, power surges, brownouts, line noise, high-voltage spikes, frequency variations, switching transients and harmonic distortion.
For more information, call (877) PWR-WARE, or visit
Attachmate OrderTrack
Attachmate OrderTrack, from Attachmate Corporation’s Business Solutions Group, is an extranet application solution for AS/400 systems that provides a secure order tracking system. This Web application allows customers to use a password-protected Internet site to view their own individual order status and shipping information that is stored on JD Edwards and other ERP systems. OrderTrack is customized for each company’s corporate Web server. It is built as a set of Active Server Pages (ASP) when running on a Microsoft IIS Web server, or as Java Server Pages (JSP) when running on other Web servers.
For more information, call (425) 644-4010, or visit
Skylark’s Find It
Skylark Utilities’ Find It is a file/text searching utility for Windows 95/98/NT. Set up your own default parameters, choose what to include or exclude. Search one directory, an entire drive or your whole system with a click of your mouse. Once found, you can copy, rename, move, delete, print, export, and even view highlighted search results in two different ways without leaving the program.
For more information, visit their Web site at
CTCBridge Java
Core Technology Corporation’s CTCBridge T27 for the Java Platform is a full T27 emulator that is delivered through a Java applet, providing intranet or Internet access to Unisys ClearPath NX (A Series) and V Series hosts via Core Technology’s MultiBridge-32 using a Java capable browser. An up-to-date version of the applet is delivered from the server to the client’s computer each time, saving installation and upgrade time for MIS departments. The emulator runs on any hardware or software architecture which supports the Java virtual machine, including Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and network computers.
For more information, call (517) 627-1521, or visit www.
Universal Messaging Solution
Ericsson will market the Unisys e-@ction Universal Messaging Solution to wireline service providers around the world. The Unisys e-@ction Universal Messaging Solution provides subscribers with access to voicemail, FAX and e-mail messages through their preferred choice of landline telephone, mobile handset or Web-based personal computer.
The Unisys e-@ction Universal Messaging solution includes media conversion capabilities that allow subscribers to retrieve messages that previously may have been inaccessible. Through a common inbox at a Web-based personal computer, the subscriber has access to all voice, FAX and e-mail messages. Because all messages are available from any device at any location, users are not tied to an office PC or laptop for e-mail.
For more information, visit their Web sites at and