ShowCase, IntraNet Solutions Team to add EDI to Strategy
Jim Martin
Looking to capitalize on the growing EIP market, ShowCase Corp. (Rochester, Minn.) has partnered with IntraNet Solutions, Inc. (Eden Prarie, Minn.), a premier provider of Web-based content management solutions. The two sides have formed a licensing agreement that gives ShowCase exclusive rights to sell Intranet’s Xpedio Content Management product line on the AS/400.
Through the agreement, ShowCase will integrate IntraNet's Xpedio Content Management product line with STRATEGY, its integrated data warehousing and business intelligence suite.
The combination of ShowCase business intelligence and IntraNet’s content management products will enable ShowCase to offer the benefits of an Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) to more than 200,000 AS/400 sites.
"This agreement extends the benefits of traditional business intelligence to AS/400 organizations who are seeking a complete Enterprise Intelligence solution. We are excited to team with IntraNet Solutions to offer existing and new customers the many benefits of an EIP,” says Theresa O'Neil, ShowCase Vice President of Marketing. “With the Showcase EIP solution, business users and AS/400 IT professionals can now make faster, better decisions based on current, relevant and tailored information through a more powerful, personalized and secure Web-based gateway. Through the ShowCase EIP, users will have access to business intelligence (reports as well as analytic applications), ERP output, e-commerce applications--all the applications and data that help them make better decisions. And they'll only see what's relevant to them."
According to ShowCase, the EIP market is expected to grow rapidly, doubling in size from 2000 to 2002. Projections indicate that the AS/400 EIP segment will reach over $1.4 billion over the next two years.
The ShowCase-Xpedio solution will be available by March 31, 2000, with pricing starting at $75,000.