IBM Offers Integrators Advanced Technology at Low Monthly Rates

Jim Martin

As the business world continues to change, more and more companies are facing the often difficult and costly task of integrating various platforms and applications.

In an effort to make integration a more viable alternative, IBM Global Financing has announced a low-cost lease program that will enable integrators to acquire IBM technology at affordable rates.

“Whether an integrator is demonstrating an e-business solution or fine-tuning a legacy application, they require the latest technology to remain competitive,” says Sam Khanna, VP, services and software business development, IBM Global Financing. “IBM’s Integrator Lease Program makes the most advanced IBM technology accessible to these integrators at significantly reduced monthly rates,” says Khanna.

Three sets of IBM business partners qualify as integrators for the new Integrator Lease program: System Integrators—members of the IBM BP-Systems Integrator program, who integrate applications into client solutions; Web Integrators—members of IBM’s Web Integrator Partner Initiative, who design Web solutions for clients; and Solution Specialists—members of the IBM Solution Speciality Initiative, who integrate IBM Solution Developer offerings.

Integrators can lease RS/6000, NUMA-Q, Netfinity, AS/400, printing systems and select Storage System products. Although the program is designed around two-year leases, integrators have the option to upgrade at any time and also can terminate the agreement after 12 months without any penalty.

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