Vision Solutions Adding MQSeries Support to OMS/400
Jim Martin
Responding to the growing popularity of IBM MQSeries, Vision Solutions Inc. (Irvine, Calif.) recently announced that the planned April 2000 release of Object Mirroring System (OMS/400) version 6.3 will include full MQSeries compatibility.
A component of the Vision Suite High Availability package, OMS/400 can synchronize enterprisewide data by simulcasting changes from a source system to more than 9,000 target destinations. By adding MQSeries support, OMS/400 6.3 will include the ability to mirror MQSeries Journals and Journal Receivers and provide full disaster recovery through MQSeries APIs.
“Many of our customers have asked for Vision Suite MQ Series compatibility and this planned release of OMS/400 shows our responsiveness to customer requests,” says Dave McIIeland, head of Vision’s product engineering group and company co-founder commented. “We believe that MQ Series’ popularity will only increase and we are delighted to be able to announce full MQ Series compatibility.”
IBM MQSeries provides an open, scalable, industrial-strength messaging and information infrastructure, enabling enterprises and beyond to integrate business processes.
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Vision Solutions Inc.