UNIBOL400 Allows AS/400 Users to Port to Windows 2000
Joanna Doyle
UNIBOL400, an advanced software product which allows users to reengineer AS/400 applications to run on new platforms, will now be available for Windows 2000, the Belfast, Northern Ireland-based Unibol announced last week.
UNIBOL400 lets users move AS/400 applications to NT platforms in order to update and expand their technology tools without rewriting applications or abandoning their familiar AS/400 development environment. This can be achieved because UNIBOL400 is not an emulator, but generates native NT executables. UNIBOL400 comes with a standard 5250 client emulator for applications that require 5250 connectivity and supports popular Windows and Java GUI development tools such as Jacada for Windows and SEAGULL’s GUI/400.
“Windows 2000 offers just the sort of functionality many enterprises need and we want to be sure they can use it, without sacrificing past investments,” says Dr. Ian Graham, managing director of Unibol. “Unibol will develop UNIBOL400 to take full advantage of all Windows 2000-based technologies both to enhance the application and ensure 100 percent compatibility with the Windows operating system. The combination of feature-rich AS/400 software, and the advances in technology present in Windows 2000 make a formidable combination delivering high returns on existing software investments, low cost of ownership, reliability, scalability and the potential to Internet enable your business quickly.”
Unibol introduced compatibility testing in the early stages of UNIBOL400 product development, and was involved in the Windows 2000 Beta program. It expects existing customers who upgrade to Windows 2000 from previous versions of Windows to experience a smooth transition for UNIBOL400. The company is also currently pursuing Windows 2000 certification for its applications.
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