Hall-Mark Sells Oracle8i Appliance
Hall-Mark Global Solutions, a value-added distributor of enterprise computing products, storage, software and services will now deliver the Oracle8i Appliance, the key component of a complete Internet infrastructure for the small to medium-sized business to deploy Oracle8i to its North American resellers. The Oracle8i Appliance is a rapidly deployable, pre-configured and self-administrating database server with an integrated operating system running on Intel-based servers.
Oracle is working with Hall-Mark's Intel Architecture hardware vendors to sell the Oracle8i Appliance. Hall-Mark will bundle the hardware with the Oracle8i software and provide a fully integrated, tested and tuned product.
Oracle8i Appliance is easily deployable, centrally manageable, and a low-cost solution for businesses with limited database or operating system administration expertise, says Rick Hamada, President of Hall-Mark Global Solutions, North America. VARs [value-added resellers] want a complete, ready to run, dedicated solution to database management. With the addition of this new product, Hall-Mark will once again increase its overall value proposition to our VARs.
The Oracle8i Appliance can be deployed to small-to-medium sized businesses, or branch offices, remote locations and workgroups. The Oracle8i Appliance can significantly decrease a customer's total cost of ownership, and needs minimal IT administration or management. According to John Burke, Senior Consultant with Applied Digital Solutions' Oracle Practice, "This is an ideal tool for the business with limited Oracle DBA and systems support on staff. After supplying basic information, it will automatically set up the system and create a new database quickly and easily, and that's a big benefit. A unique feature of the appliance is the Oracle8i Appliance Enterprise Manager Pack. It comes with pre-configured monitoring events and fix-it jobs, which alleviate tedious monitoring tasks normally, performed by a DBA. Notification of system events is delivered to the administrator via email or pager. This low-maintenance approach would also benefit the high-end shop that is responsible for managing many remote locations, as it can help them to avoid 'babysitting the box.'"
The Oracle8i Appliance integrates standard Intel-based SMP [Symmetric Multi-Processing] servers, a built-in OS kernel and Oracle8i Standard or Enterprise Edition. The integrated software stack additionally includes Oracle Enterprise Manager Appliance Pack for centralized and remote administration of the Oracle8i Appliance; Oracle WebDB, a tool for developing and deploying Web-based applications; Oracle interMedia for storing multimedia data; and Oracle Jserver, an integrated Java Virtual Machine. The Oracle8i Appliance requires no onsite database administration support. With a fixed configuration, the Oracle8i Appliance includes built-in redundancy capabilities, automatic fixes and predictive analysis tools, including automatic paging, for remote administration.
For more information about Hall-Mark, please visit its Web site at www.hallmark.avnet.com