ShowCase Brings NT Support to STRATEGY
Jim Martin
In an effort to support a more heterogeneous enterprise intelligence environment, major AS/400 ISV ShowCase Corp. (Rochester, Minn.) has committed to bring its STRATEGY product to the Windows NT platform.
An integrated data warehousing and business intelligence suite, STRATEGY will now run on both the AS/400 and NT platforms. According to Ken Holec, ShowCase’s CEO, the decision to add NT support to Windows NT was customer-driven.
“ShowCase is a customer-focused software company and, while we remain strategically committed to midmarket AS/400 users, we recognized the need to anticipate the growing needs of existing and new customers who have a mix of AS/400 and NT technologies in their organizations,” says Holec.
The NT focus is not a first for ShowCase, as it continues to offer its recently unveiled enterprise intelligence initiative on the NT platform—a comprehensive Web content management solution that extends the STRATEGY product line to the enterprise information portal (EIP) market.
“By providing companies with the opportunity to readily deploy our robust Enterprise Intelligence solutions to multiple platforms, we are enabling them to leverage and protect their long-term technology investment in this expanding marketplace,” adds Holec. “Our clients will have a choice of operating ShowCase STRATEGY exclusively on an AS/400 or in a tightly integrated AS/400 and NT implementation, which leverages the strength of both platforms.”
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