SEAGULL and IBS Expand International Relationship
Jim Martin
Longstanding AS/400 players SEAGULL Corp. (Atlanta) and IBS (Solna, Sweden) have extended their relationship with the announcement that IBS will continue to license SEAGULL’s J Walk technology to enhance its ASW software.
Looking to gain a larger piece of a growing market, IBS recently launched a Web-enabled version of its business application, ASW/R4, that focuses on distribution and supply chain management. SEAGULL J Walk provides the Web-to-host connectivity, allowing customers to access the ASW software via an Internet browser.
“Rapid changes in markets and business methods are being driven by e-business. SEAGULL’s e-business technology helps us to quickly enhance our software to meet the increasingly demanding requirements of our customers,” says Staffan Wensing, director of alliances at IBS. “SEAGULL’s software technology allows us to offer full Internet integration. The use of our software over the Internet results in major benefits for our customers, such as considerably lower transaction costs, quicker delivery time and improved customer service.”
IBS also uses J Walk to add a Java-based graphical user interface to ASW/R4 and SEAGULL’s Text Transaction Tool to generate multiple language versions of the applications.
“We are proud that IBS, one of the largest providers of ERP solutions in the AS/400 market worldwide, is continuing its relationship with SEAGULL. Its large customer base offers significant opportunities for our company,” says Frank van Pelt, SEAGULL’s CEO. “In addition to J Walk and TTT, IBS is also positioned to take advantage of SEAGULL’s wireless-to-host technology, providing IBS with even more competitive advantages in today’s rapidly changing markets.”
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