WebTrends Enhances Traffic Analysis Software

WebTrends, which provides real-time traffic analysis and reporting on Web Site activity, has announced immediate availability of Enterprise Reporting Server 3.0. Traffic analysis and reporting on Web site activity are engendering a lot of interest from e-businesses, which need to provide site traffic information to different groups within their organizations. The WebTrends software offers a browser-based interface to make customized reports accessible to business executives and marketing personnel as well as IT managers. Non-IT groups can then use the information to make business decisions.

The new release of Enterprise Reporting Server offers enhanced scalability and increased support for dynamic Web sites. WebTrends has enhanced the scalability of Enterprise Reporting Server by improving the core engine and initiating dynamic reporting to reduce the time from report request to report receipt. Along with the enhanced scalability, Enterprise Reporting Server now provides beefed-up support for dynamic Web sites, providing in-depth analysis of Web visitor preferences on pages that depend on dynamic and database-driven content. WebTrends has also enhanced path analysis to provide managers with information on the paths visitors take that lead them to and from Web pages.

WebTrends, an HP partner, is a participant in the HP OpenView Venture Foundation program and is working with the OpenView Software Business Unit to develop a module for OpenView.

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