DataMirror Allows Remote Data Replication Monitoring
Joanna Doyle
Transformation Server, a data replication tool from DataMirror Corp. (Toronto) can now support wireless data administration via mobile devices, when used in conjunction with iTransmit, a new DataMirror product released this week.
ITransmit is a wireless version of DataMirror’s Enterprise Administrator product, which monitors the data replication functions performed by Transformation Server. Using iTransmit, an administrator with a Web-enabled wireless phone or mobile Internet device can access, monitor and manage data replication between multiple databases and computing platforms from a remote location. IT administrators can select subscriptions from a list of connected agents, view replication status, check logs for information messages, and perform basic functions such as starting and stopping data replication.
Nigel Stokes, chairman, president and CEO of DataMirror, said as wireless transactions and off-site employees become more common, it will also become more important for IT administrators to have the ability to monitor operations remotely.
“Access to information via the Web with simple wireless devices is revolutionizing the way organizations think about, manage and publish their enterprise data,” Stokes said, “As we enter the post-PC era, smart-phones and wireless Internet devices are becoming indispensable tools for keeping mobile IT people constantly in touch with their responsibilities."
Related Information:
DataMirror Corp. (new window)Transformation Server Overview (new window)