MODCOMP’s ViewMax to Support Palm VII
Continuing to focus on providing mobile business solutions, MODCOMP Inc. (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.) recently announced that its re-engineered ViewMax integration software now supports wireless application protocol (WAP)-enabled devices. MODCOMP is touting the solution as the first to support wireless Internet access to mainframe, midrange, and Unix applications via the Palm VII.
MODCOMP is touting the solution as being the first to support wireless access to mainframe, midrange and Unix via the Palm VII. |
Viewmax is installed on a host system and serves as a connector, allowing users with WAP-enabled devices to access information from the host system in real time.
“Wireless access to mainframe applications will especially benefit the mobile workforce who depend on quick and secure enterprise data to get their jobs done,” says Rob Crigler, MODCOMP’s VP of marketing. "We expect ViewMax to play a significant role for organizations embracing the new wireless Internet economy.”
In recent months, as WAP-enabled devices such as the Palm VII continue to grow in popularity, more and more software vendors are developing solutions that connect the WAP-devices to host systems.
According to Crigler, ViewMax differentiates itself from its competitors in a few ways. First and foremost, ViewMax supports a wide range of platforms, such as Unix, Linux, AS/400 and HP.
“The broad spectrum of platforms we can play to is a big differentiator,” says Crigler. “We’re targeting customers with diverse IT departments that want to unify IT resources for mobile workers.”
ViewMax also supports access to disparate sources of data. For example, if purchasing information resides on one host system and inventory resides on another system, a mobile worker can access and combine information from both host systems, all from one query. “ViewMax represses the problem and acts as an arbitrator between hosts,” says Crigler. “We can take the data from one system, play it into another system, and then give the end user the final result, all behind the scenes, from one query.”
In most cases, Crigler says end users typically will only need to access information from two hosts, but that ViewMax was able to support a query in which a user might need to access information from four different hosts. “If you have an AS/400 and a Unix system, we can play in that world and WAP-enable your system,” says Crigler.
MODCOMP is pushing the Palm VII as part of its ViewMax announcement. In fact, Palm Inc.’s service assigned a four-star rating to ViewMax, which seamlessly connects the Palm VII to any enterprise systems, or green-screen application. “Our main target is Palm VII users because it has a good interface to work with,” says Crigler.
Right now, Crigler says the biggest problem with WAP-enabled devices are the limitations of the interface. Despite these limitations, however, he adds that, “The market is starting to explode and will only get bigger as things like voice recognition come into play.”
For MODCOMP, the move continues its focus on providing mobile business solutions. Earlier this year, it launched WAP66 Portal Server, a solution that made existing enterprise data available for mobile businesses using wireless access protocol.
Standard pricing for ViewMax begins at $10,000 plus configuration services and user licensing.
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