Viquity to Support RosettaNet
RosettaNet has selected Viquity, a company providing outsourced eBusiness infrastructure to automate production procurement, as a Solution Partner. The Viquity Dynamic Commerce Network (DCN) will support the RosettaNet XML-based e-business process standards - aiding companies in adopting the RosettaNet interfaces.
The Viquity DCN provides a complete eBusiness platform for direct procurement transactions. Purchase order management, demand forecasting, invoicing and other inter-enterprise processes can be automated and streamlined by the Viquity DCN. The Viquity Dynamic Commerce Network incorporates two core technologies: a guaranteed-delivery Internet document transport service, Viquity Basis, and an intelligent management hub, Viquity Nexus.
Private commerce networks hosted on the Viquity infrastructure can rapidly add and change supply chain partners, can easily include partners of all sizes and levels of sophistication, and can interoperate across the various emerging XML standards, existing legacy standards and proprietary interfaces.
Viquity specializes in outsourced eBusiness infrastructure to automate production procurement. The Viquity Dynamic Commerce Network enables OEMs, contract manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of all sizes to streamline communications with strategic partners and dramatically improve supply chain responsiveness.
Chris M. Gretjak, Viquity's CEO notes, "Viquity's intelligent hub provides a common data language among business partners - a language that supports RosettaNet and other emerging business process communications standards. We endorse the work that RosettaNet is doing and look forward to working with RosettaNet to ensure its continued success."
RosettaNet is an independent, self-funded, non-profit consortium dedicated to the development and deployment of standard electronic business interfaces to align the processes between supply chain partners on a global basis. Launched in June 1998, RosettaNet is currently in the pilot phase of its implementation cycle. More than 250 companies representing over $1 trillion in annual information technology and electronic component revenues currently participate in RosettaNet's standards development, strategy and implementation activities.
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