FileNET Unveils Workflow Product

FileNET Corporation, a provider of content management applications, has unveiled Panagon eProcess Services 3.0, an e-business application platform that automates business processes for B2B and B2C applications. The new XML-based e-business application development platform is the latest component in FileNET's Panagon Web Content Management system.

"Where our eContent Management technology gives customers the ability to dynamically organize and deliver information, eProcess Services unlocks the power of that content, permitting organizations to extend internal business processes to their external business partners and customers," Michael W. Harris, FileNET's Vice President of Product Marketing, said in a statement.

eProcess Services offers five core capabilities for development of e-business applications: eProcess Designer (a graphical interface that allows users to lay out a business process without having to hand-code in a workflow language); eProcess Personalization (functionality that allows users to define parameters for their e-mail in-boxes); eProcess Auditor (a function that allows administrators to track the speed of Web-based business processes and the productivity of users); Web Content Lifecyle Management (the ability to control content creation collaboration, document review, approvals, and to automate Web publishing); and eProcess Web Client (a thin "out-of-the-box" user client that allows users to access Web content).

HP, a FileNET customer, is leveraging the new technology to streamline its approval process for submitting content to the HP IT Resource Center Web site ( The technology allows HP to automate the routing of documents throughout several editorial reviews to ensure the quality of the content. It does this by designating participants "on the fly" during workflow and thus giving users the ability to participate in the workflow via e-mail. It also automatically releases content to the Web site upon final approval.

Panagon eProcess Services is a core component of the Panagon product family and is compatible with applications built on existing FileNET workflow technology. It is integrated with Panagon Content Services, which manages the storage, security, and version control of XML-based e-process definitions.

The new component began shipping in June. It supports Windows NT 4.0, Internet Information Services 4.0, and Microsoft SQL Server Version 7. Pricing starts at about $50,000 per server, depending on total Panagon configuration.

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