New Products

AvantGo’s Handspring Visor Platinum and Prisim

AvantGo Inc.’s new Handspring Visor Platinum and Prism devices allows usersto add AvantGo to their devices directly from the Handspring Web site. With thenew Handspring Prism, users can view the entire Web in rich color, includingmaps, graphics and photos. In addition, AvantGo provides the latest news,sports, entertainment information and much more, in color, from partners suchas,, Sony Online Entertainment, Columbia TriStarInteractive,, MapBlast!,,

The AvantGo mobile Internet service provides free interactive and personalizedcontent and applications to individuals with handheld computers andInternet-enabled phones. Using a wireless, realtime connection or via desktopsynchronization, AvantGo users can access the Web directly from their mobiledevices or select from more than 600 optimized channels for news and travelinformation, sports, restaurant reviews, stock portfolios, movie listings, mapsand much more. AvantGo is available for download at

HP’s PowerTrust II-MR

HP’s PowerTrust II-MR's online double-conversion technology providesinstantaneous backup power and a high level of power quality essential to rune-services applications. The PowerTrust II-MR UPS system incorporates onlinedouble-conversion technology for maximum uptime and battery performance;planned redundancy options and hot-swappable batteries and electronics allowingmaintenance without interrupting power to protected applications; and ease ofuse with factory integration for simple installation, intuitive display andmaximum compatibility.

The rack-mounted PowerTrust II-MR is designed for HP 3000 and HP 9000servers, HP NetServers and workstations, as well as Windows NT®/2000 servers.The PowerTrust II-MR's scalability makes it ideal for dynamic environments withan expanding number of servers, hubs, routers and other rack-mounted equipment.

Invensys’ Powerware Cellwatch

Invensys’ Powerware Cellwatch is a battery monitoring system designedspecifically for three phase uninterruptible power systems (UPS).The modularsystem continuously monitors the entire battery system, including string andcell level voltage, internal resistance, current and temperature, throughoutthe charge, discharge and float periods. The product also provides immediatewarnings of a deterioration and imminent battery failure, identifies anyindividual battery that exhibits problems, and reduces the possibility ofdamage to the entire battery string. In addition, this monitoring system allowsbattery replacement to be based on the battery's condition, not simply how longit's been in use, helping to avoid premature and unnecessary replacement.

Another feature is the ability to offer historical trending by recording aminimum of 120 days of activity, allowing customers to analyze individualbattery and string performance. Also, the modular design allows expansion formonitoring of up to 30,000 cells.

Powerware Cellwatch includes a one-year warranty on parts and labor and a24-hour hotline for warranty service. An optional comprehensive service plan isalso available. For more information, visit

New PJL Compatibility For the OTC6500

Output Technology announces new PJL compatibility with its OTC6500continuous form, electron beam printer. The OTC6500 is a 65 page-per-minute,continuous forms printer that incorporates electron beam imaging with warmoffset transfer and fusing technologies. The product offers one millionpages-per-month duty cycle and a cost to print of approximately a penny perpage.

Output Technology is a Spokane, Washington, based printer manufacturer andis a provider of laser and impact printing technology for high speed, highvolume applications. For more information call (800) 468-8788, or visit theirWeb site at

Journyx Timesheet 4.0

Journyx Timesheet 4.0 enables data entry and access via Internet browsers,telephones, PDAs, wireless web cell phone applications and services and barcode data collection and badge readers for non-exempt employees allowingrealtime entry and access to information as well as generate invoices based onrealtime.

New payroll and project management support features allow multiple pay ratesfor any individual, customized pay periods, fully auditable prior periodcorrections, inter-project data exchange, customizable project tracking and,and the use of user-definable business rules to manage specific classificationsof work for payroll and billing purposes.

For more information, visit

Alert Me First Inc.’s Internet Monitoring Service

Alert Me First Inc.’s non-stop Internet monitoring service is a Web-basedb2b service that monitors Web sites, e-mail services and other Internetdevices. It then sends out e-mail and/or pager alerts the instant a problem isdetected, allowing IT professionals to minimize downtime and the negativeaffects it has on your company. Online performance statistics show how Internetdevices are responding and offer ways to measure availability and performance.Response thresholds can also act as an early warning system for denial ofservice attacks, virus driven e-mail server overloads and Internetservice/bandwidth congestion or service degradation.

Alert Me First is available for a free 14-day trial, then, for $5.95 per month, plusa one-time activation fee of $19.95. For more information,

RFS E-Business Internet Accounting Software

RFS E-Business, the Web-enabled sister of Skylight Systems’ flagshipproduct, Relational Financial Systems (RFS), provides complete control overbusiness operations. RFS E-Business is an integrated business system thathandles the flow of products, services, and customer information throughoutone’s business in realtime. RFS E-Business displays the unique pricing for aparticular customer, verifies the inventory availability, communicates withwarehouses to ensure that the product will be shipped, generates an invoice tothe customer, updates Accounts Receivable and automatically orders replacementinventory when necessary. RFS E-Business extends to multiple locations, remotesalespeople, customers and to accountants, who can oversee the books and makejournal entries from their own offices.

For more information, contact Skylight Systems, Inc., (215) 576-1001 or viae-mail at [email protected].

ePALS Classroom Exchange

ePALS Classroom Exchange, Inc., an online classroom community connecting 2.6million students and teachers in 182 countries, new ePALS e-mail system allowsteachers or parents to establish e-mail accounts for students, and then to setmonitoring levels on these accounts to filter out profanity or obscenity. Amessage containing questionable content will be flagged and routed firstthrough the adult's account. The adult can preview the message and, ifnecessary, delete it before it ever reaches the child's account.

This technology reassures IT Coordinators and Board of Education officialswho have been hesitant to introduce e-mail unchecked into their schools or districts.With the ePALS solution, administrators can be confident that email willfulfill a useful purpose without risk to students. ePALS email also offersinstant language translation between 17 language pairs. This feature eliminateslanguage barriers and is ideal for multi-lingual environments withinclassrooms, schools and communities. For more information, visit

Unify eWave ServletExec 3.0

Unify Corporation’s Unify eWave ServletExec 3.0 allows server-side Javafunctionality and integration with backend systems. It has full support for keycomponents of the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) standards,including Java Servlet API 2.2 and JSP 1.1 technologies and includes clientcertificates for added transaction security, support for Windows NT, Windows2000, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and Linux. For more information,

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