OpenSales Captures Important Linux Allies

San Mateo, CA-based OpenSales, a provider of open source e-commerce applications, unveiled a number of significant partnerships at Linux World. The partnerships are intended to provide services for conducting e-commerce on Linux-based systems and to ensure interoperability with e-commerce technology.

In addition, OpenSales president and CEO Bonnie Crater announced OpenSalesXchange, a new partnership program with CollabNet, to share e-commerce projects with independent open source software developers. In making the announcement, Crater said, "…the open source development community must be recognized—and giving developers the option of access to paying projects is vital to our position…"

The company's new OpenSales E-Channel Program, designed to provide OpenSales users with services for e-business, embraces partners that can package services with OpenSales software. The new partners include CyberSource, providing credit card verification services; NetLedger, offering financials; Penguin Computing and VA Linux, providing hardware services; Exodus Communication and Broadband, hosting; Guardian Digital and Protectix, online security;, shipping rate services; and Linuxcare, Internet-based technical support.

OpenSales has also signed bundling agreements with hardware and software distributors to make its AllCommerce suite more widely available than it is now. These distributors include MandrakeSoft, TurboLinux, Integrated Linux, and Guardian Digital.

OpenSales also partners in developer relations programs with HP, IBM NetFinity, Cobalt Networks, Informix, and

OpenSales' AllCommerce is a suite of freely available, platform-independent applications that support Internet e-commerce and can process thousands of Web transactions per second on clustered systems.

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