Information Builders Launches WebFOCUS v.4.3 for Open VMS
Fredrik Johnsen
Information Builders (Denver), a provider of Web business intelligence, has released a new version of WebFOCUS for Open VMS. Version 4.3 offers reporting and analysis capabilities, and can serve as the cornerstone for reporting for e-business applications, including business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and business-to-enterprise (B2E).
"Because of its component-based nature, WebFOCUS can directly reside on the OpenVMS, leveraging its processing power by performing all data aggregation on the server where only the answer set -- in the form of a formatted HTML page -- is sent over the network and into the users' browsers creating an efficient reporting environment, says Gary Goldberg, general manager for Information Builders’ Platform Systems Division. “For any OpenVMS customers who wish to conduct e-business initiatives like B2B, B2C, or B2E, WebFOCUS can be the answer."
WebFOCUS is currently the only Web reporting product to run natively on Compaq’s Open VMS. Information Builders and Compaq worked together on WebFOCUS’ certification for the Apache Web server to take advantage of WebFOCUS’ Java capability. "We're very pleased to have WebFOCUS available for the OpenVMS community with our new Apache-based Web server," says Rich Marcello, VP, OpenVMS Group, Compaq Computer Corporation.
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