ACOM Solutions Introduces Web-Based Forms

Fredrik Johnsen

ACOM Solutions’ E-Commerce Division (Long Beach, Calif.), a developer and marketer of the Paragon/EDI solution for e-commerce, has introduced a Web forms-based application, Paragon/WEB, which enables companies to transact with 100 percent of their internal and external trading partners over the Web. It also permits occasional e-commerce users to access e-business forms on the Web and complete electronic transactions over their own networks or through a service bureau.

"Paragon/WEB provides a mechanism for companies to reach all of their supply chain partners, supports unlimited document types and provides multiple access levels at the partner and document level," says James R. Scott, vice president of sales and marketing. "The ability for partners to set up their own multiple users and access levels, as well as their workflow, makes this tool versatile both for internal and external operations.

Paragon/WEB supports built-in workflow in the form of chain, any or all approval lists. Supported document types include ACH, Archive, EDI, EMAIL, FAX, FEDI, WEB, HTML, XML, XLS, DOC, PCL, POSTSCR, ASCII, BIN and Unknown. Communication processes supported include e-mail, fax, wireless, HTTP/S, S/FTP, VAN, Proprietary and others.

Related Information:

  • ACOM Solutions (new window)
  • Paragon Overview (new window)
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