MAPICS Announces Plans for Collaborative Storefront
Fredrik Johnsen
MAPICS Inc. (Atlanta), a provider of collaborative, e-business enterprise applications for manufacturers and solutions supporting international and multi-site operations on platforms spanning AS/400, Windows NT, UNIX and Linux, plans to deliver TeamWeRX Commerce – an Internet-based storefront solution that will enable a set of e-commerce capabilities.
TeamWeRX Commerce allows customers to search their manufacturer's Web site and online catalog for immediate product information such as online order status, inventory availability and customer specific pricing. Customers may specify desired shipping options including automatic calculation of freight charges and tracking number assignments, and specify payment options including automatic credit card authorizations and payments. Customers can also maintain their personal profile to keep manufacturers up to date on recent changes that may affect their orders.
"Analysts estimate that between 60 to 80 percent of all orders placed via the Internet last year were re-keyed into an order entry system," says Linda Brooks, vice president of extended enterprise solutions at MAPICS, Inc. "Using TeamWeRX Commerce, orders flow automatically into the enterprise system and are scheduled for production as soon as an order is placed on a manufacturer's Web site - no extra steps or human intervention are needed."
General availability of TeamWeRX Commerce is planned for the first quarter in calendar year 2001.