Unisys, Microsoft and Dell Electrify the Voting Process
Unisys will team with Microsoft and Dell to develop an e-voting infrastructure. According to the companies, the recent presidential election highlighted the need for reliable, modern voting systems, and an infrastructure based around Unisys, Microsoft and Dell products provide an ideal solution.
Unisys e-@ction Election Solutions combine nascent technologies like smart cards, biometrics, digital vote recording, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server for a voting procedure intended to be secure and robust.
While Florida received most of the attention in the aftermath of the November 7 election, voting irregularities were reported in many states. In response to these issues, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) said it is working on voluntary voting system standards to be issued to the states later this year. The FEC will address issues surrounding remote, at-home and Internet voting, as well as voting within government controlled polling sites.
The state of Minnesota used Unisys technology to speed the reporting of presidential caucuses. Caucus votes were recorded and tallied via a computer system. A Web-based reporting system allowed users to access the results in realtime.
This announcement follows a trend among many high tech companies. Only a week after the November elections, Cisco Systems and Compaq Computer were among those who pumped $10 million into, a company that makes secure online voting systems