Tek-Tools Announces Profiler for Compliance Reporting

Customizable set of company's Profiler Rx suite of reporting and management tools eases reporting pain

DALLAS, Texas, November 9, 2004 - Tek-Tools, Inc. today announced the availability of Profiler for Compliance Reporting, a customizable set of its Profiler Rx suite of reporting and management tools. Profiler Rx assists enterprises in meeting their compliance reporting objectives assuring compliance with federal and state regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or EU regulations.

Profiler Rx supports compliance reporting in two primary ways: it functions as an audit tool to examine an enterpriseĀ¹s data stores in order to groom data and to establish policies for backup and archiving, and it generates customizable or off-the-shelf reports on the status and success of backups. Once generated, these customizable and off-the-shelf reports cannot be altered to prove that retention and archive requirements are being met.

"The issue of regulatory compliance has become central to business operations, but there is a great deal of confusion about the smartest ways to prove data is being managed according to these often complicated policies," said Ken Barth, President and CEO of Tek-Tools. "Our Profiler Rx suite addresses this issue by providing companies with the reports and tools they need and thus the assurance they are in compliance."

Profiler Rx provides the visibility into users' storage and backup environments needed in order to make intelligent decisions about data retention and archiving. By offering a thorough assessment of the storage and backup environment, Profiler Rx facilitates the establishment of criteria for retention and compliance programs before companies spend resources or add more complexity to their management infrastructure. Understanding what needs to be archived begins with understanding what data an organization currently has, who owns the data, where it resides, when it was last accessed, what level of archiving versus availability the business application requires as well as the procedures in place to back up that data.

An evaluation of the data in relation to usefulness and accessibility is only the first step in assessing the environment. Profiler Rx also examines the repositories where data is stored and where it is backed up, taking a granular view of all of storage resources including DAS, NAS, and SAN.

Profiler Rx for Compliance Reporting is priced based on devices monitored (Legato Networker, Syncsort Backup Express, IBM TSM, Veritas NetBackup, Veritas Backup Exec, CA ARCserve) and begins at $5,000.

About Tek-Tools

Tek-Tools, Inc. is a leader in storage/server/backup resource management. With the Profiler Rx suite, users choose solution modules that allow their organization to monitor the entire storage enterprise. For more information, call (972) 980-2890 or visit http://www.tek-tools.com.

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