M7® Launches NitroX 2.0 with Expanded Web Application Development Tools for Eclipse

New tools provide early detection and correction of errors, improve the quality of Web applications

CUPERTINO, CA – December 13, 2004 – M7 Corporation, Inc., a leader in Web application development tools based on open source and open standard technologies, today announced Release 2.0 of NitroX for JSP and NitroX for Struts. Included in this release are AppXaminer™, AppXnavigator™, and AppXplorer™ new innovative tools based on M7’s exclusive AppXRay™ technology that provide developers with essential information about their Web applications throughout the development process.

AppXRay analyzes and maintains a database of Web application dependencies, and is unique in that it does so over all layers and across all artifacts of the J2EE, Java Server Pages and Struts Web application architecture. These new tools provide visual diagrams, navigation across related artifacts, and logical presentation of these artifacts to make it easier for developers to understand the complex relationships, identify problems, and understand the impact of changes in real-time during the development of their Web applications.

Release 2.0 New Development Tools

  • AppXaminer: Provides a navigable diagram showing the Web application artifacts and dependencies and automatically highlights inconsistencies and makes it easier to understand the complex relationships in a Web application to determine the impact of changes.

  • AppXnavigator: Extends the hyperlink style navigation for Java in Eclipse to all the related artifacts in a Web application reducing the effort required to open related artifacts. AppXplorer: Provides an Eclipse Explorer view of the Web application, based on logical groupings so locating artifacts is simpler.

  • Visual Editors (Tiles Framework, Tag Library Descriptor, and Struts Validation Framework): These editors hide the complexity of the underlying implementation by presenting a high level form-based editor from which the implementation source code is automatically updated. Developers can work directly in the source code, with incremental consistency checking automatically performed in the background to provide instant feedback about any coding errors that may occur.

Standards supported include JSP 2.0; Struts 1.2 Plain Old Java Objects (POJO); hot deployment of Struts and Struts Tiles configuration files; and Eclipse debugger display, inspect and execute commands for JSP debugging.

“The problem with most development tools is that they are unable to detect inconsistencies across various layers -- for example, between a JSP and the server code it references -- before an application is deployed,” said Andy Simmons, VP Marketing and Product Management at M7 Corporation. “The new tools in NitroX provide instant feedback to developers as they edit their Web applications, reducing errors and eliminating much of the manual effort required to assess the impact of changes they need to make. The end result is a higher quality application with fewer obscure errors that need to be debugged after deployment when customers discover them.”

While continuing to provide more automation for understanding the complex relationships and multiple languages used in Web applications, NitroX Release 2.0 is designed to make Web application development easier for both novice developers and experienced professionals. NitroX helps to ensure that the resulting applications are higher in quality and cost less to produce and maintain.

About NitroX

NitroX is a leading Web integrated development environment offering unparalleled capabilities for the development of JSP- and Struts-based Web applications. NitroX uniquely offers AppXRay, a technology that provides detailed knowledge of all the artifacts that make up a Web application, and makes it available throughout the NitroX environment. NitroX supports Eclipse 2.1/3.0 an IBM WSAD/WSSD 5.1.x. NitroX is available on Windows™ 2000/XP, RedHat™ 9 and supports Apache Jakarta Tomcat, BEA WebLogic™, Caucho Resin™, IBM WebSphere™ and JBoss™.

Pricing and Availability

NitroX for JSP and Struts are priced at $299 and $499 respectively. The Struts edition includes all the features of the JSP Edition. NitroX Release 2.0 will ship in December 2004. A new purchase includes a one-year subscription for product updates and bug fixes, and includes major version upgrades of the product that become available during the term of the subscription. To learn more about NitroX, please visit: http://www.m7.com, contact M7 Sales at [email protected], or phone 1-866-770-9770.

About M7 Corporation

M7 Corporation, Inc. is a leader in Web application tools based on open source and open standard technologies. The company is exclusively focused on improving the development of Web applications for serious developers who want to avoid platform lock-in. For additional information, visit the company’s Web site at http://www.m7.com.

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