MetaInfo Unveils New Version of Meta IP Software for Unified IP Management and Network Endpoint Access Protection

Seattle, Wash. (May 5, 2005) -.MetaInfo, a leader in network and Internet Protocol (IP) address management solutions, announces Meta IP version 5.6, a major upgrade to its market-leading product for IP address, DNS, and DHCP management.

Meta IP helps enterprises ensure the security, reliability, and performance of their network communications by managing the process by which corporate networks identify computers and allow them access to the network. Unlike other products in this category, Meta IP quarantines unknown systems prior to assigning them a permanent IP address, which is needed to sign on to the network, and allows enterprises to verify the health of the systems before granting access. This enables enterprises to identify and isolate outside security breaches, such as viruses, worms and unsafe configurations, before they have access to network resources, thus minimizing the potential for damage from these sources. According to a 2003 CSI/FBI survey, 80 percent of organizations reported losses due to security breaches, with the average external attack costing $57,000 per incident.

With version 5.6, MetaInfo has focused on further refining, simplifying, and improving its security features, making it easier for network administrators to utilize and deploy them. Key enhancements include shared MAC databases; streamlined user interface; and web registration that makes it even safer to register and authenticate who the user is, the company said.

"Meta IP v. 5.6 is designed to help customers protect access to the network when users are 'inside' the security perimeter, rather than simply network resources," said Grant Asplund, president of MetaInfo. "For users inside the network, most network security products are built and designed not to protect networks, but network resources. Meta IP authenticates access to the most critical resource itself -- the network -- by authenticating computers at the IP layer."

New features in v. 5.6 include:

  • Major enhancements to Meta IP's security offering, called SAFE DHCP(tm), to further increase the product's ability to authenticate unknown systems prior to them accessing the network; these include a new Unauth Client Class DHCP parameter that quarantines unauthenticated DHCP clients in a single lease pool and a new MAC web registration feature

  • New MAC Module Shared Database Management facilitates management and synchronization of multiple MAC Address databases across the network

  • Improved ease of use for network administrators, including the ability to access version information for all managed servers (DNS, DHCP and Manager Servers) from the Meta IP Management Console; a Log Viewer tab that follows the output of a DNS or DHCP service's event messages in the Service Export window, and the ability to set/clear User Data on multiple objects. Meta IP v. 5.6 is available now. The product covers all of the leading server platforms, including Windows and Linux, making it the only product in its category to do so.

About MetaInfo

MetaInfo provides secure IP foundations for network infrastructures with its market leading Meta IP products for IP address, DNS, and DHCP management. MetaInfo offers Secure Addressing Foundation Extensions for DHCP (SAFE DHCP) that add network endpoint access protection against viruses, worms, and other network threats. With Meta IP and SAFE DHCP solutions, customers increase stability, strengthen security, reduce risks, and lower the total cost of IP network ownership.

For further information, please contact MetaInfo by phone at 206-674-3700 or visit us at

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