Safety-Lab International Releases New Version of Shadow Security Scanner
July 5, 2005 -- While most regular computer users think that the threat to computers and computer networks come from viruses, spyware, and other types of malicious software, security experts agree that the real source of danger are holes and backdoors in the legitimate software already installed, which, if not patched or fixed, may grant unlimited access to hackers. Shadow Security Scanner is a specialized solution that performs 3500+ vulnerability tests to detect system security holes, locate weak spots and errors, and helps fix these problems.
Other features include a friendlier optimization of interface, faster speed, and new heuristics detections.
The first advantage of the software over competitors is that it is cross-platform and scans for security breaches in Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Net BSD, Solaris, and Windows (all) operating systems. In addition, it is the only software solution that locates holes in network equipment by Cisco, HP, and other manufacturers. SSS is capable of servicing FTP, SSH, Telnet, SMTP, DNS, Finger, HTTP, POP3, IMAP, NetBIOS, NFS, NNTP, SNMP, HTTPS, SSL, TCP/IP, UDP, Registry services, Squid, and LDAP. For the latter two, SSS does not stop at verifying ports, but audits proxy servers (Squid) and LDAP servers as well. And since SSS is an open architecture ActiveX-based solution, any programmer with C++ or Delphi knowledge can integrate the product into own solutions.
The program comes with a built-in Rules and Settings Editor, which lets users indicate the ports and services to be scanned. This option, combined with the multiple network scan feature (up to 10 hosts at the same time), makes SSS the fastest performing network scanner currently available on the market. The program also offers a wealth of reporting options (HTML, CHM, PDF, and RTF and now SQL). More importantly, SSS does not just report problem(s) -- it actually instructs how to fix them and/or offers patch that close security breaches.
The new version Shadow Security Scanner is ready for immediate order. Contact Shadow Security Scanner is distributed electronically over the Internet. A free trial version is available at
Safety-Lab International is an independent software development company specializing in professional security products. The other products the company has developed include Shadow Online Security Scanner, Shadow Database Security Scanner, Shadow Enterprise Web Firewall, Shadow Web Analyzer, Shadow Network Spy, and Shadow Scan.