Patented Search Technology Tackles Previously Unsearchable Enterprise Data

Ocelluz automatically indexes and finds data locked inside SQL Databases in virtual real-time, without the need for programming

July 11, 2005 -- Oslo, Norway -- Ocelluz AS, a new company with unique and patented technology for the search market, today publicly launched with a number of new customers already standardizing around its technology.

Founded in 1999, Ocelluz is a privately owned Norwegian company that has been developing its technology in ‘stealth mode’ until today. The company’s patented technology allows any enterprise to search for ‘hidden data’ locked inside any SQL (Structured Query Language) database, using a simple point-and-click interface.

Prior to Ocelluz, it was not possible to search for data inside SQL databases using technology from any vendor, including Google®, FAST Search and Transfer® and Microsoft®. The only way to find data inside SQL tables was to actually program a SQL query, have it traverse the entire database, and export the results for indexing -- an option that could take hours on terabyte-level data silos and not something the typical manager has the ability or inclination to undertake.

SQL is the standard data repository format in virtually every Fortune-ranked company around the world, used in databases from Oracle®, IBM®, Microsoft®, and virtually every other leading relational database.

Using the Ocelluz technology, it is now possible to search across multiple SQL databases using a familiar "type and click" search box in virtual real-time -- enabling global Enterprises to make effective use of all their corporate data assets, by any member of the organization.

Already granted a worldwide patent on its ability to search and index this previously "hidden data," Ocelluz also announced today that Telenor is standardizing on the Ocelluz technology platform in their operational customer service applications, and have even integrated it into their Siebel front-end, expecting millions of dollars in savings through its use of the technology.

Telenor is using Ocelluz to enable fast, multi-column keyword search in its Siebel-based data infrastructure. Itself programmed in SQL, Ocelluz is optimized for integration into software applications and has enabled Telenor to achieve virtual real-time data query performance (as much as 87X faster through Ocelluz) and also enable search intelligence, using synonyms and generated word lists.

“Ocelluz is extremely proud to be announcing our company today after years of development work, particularly with such a distinguished list of customers that includes Telenor already relying on our technology,” said Tom Erik Kristiansen, CEO of Ocelluz. “Ocelluz has already beaten one of the world’s top search companies in winning the Telenor contract – proof that our technology not only works, but is capable of achieving tremendous cost savings across the Enterprise.”


Ocelluz technology is immediately available for license -- contact for pricing details.

About Ocelluz

Ocelluz AS, headquartered in Oslo, Norway, develops and markets its patented, efficient, and intelligent indexing and search software for direct integration into software applications and as a separate search engine for customized solutions. Company details at

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Ocelluz is a trademark of Ocelluz AS. All other trademarks and registered trademarks previously cited are hereby recognized and acknowledged.

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