MyEclipse 4.0 Delivers Affordable, World-Class Enterprise Development Tools
PLANO, TX -- August 8, 2005 -- Genuitec LLC, a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation, today announced worldwide availability of release 4.0 of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench, a full-feature, enterprise-class platform and tool suite for developing software applications and systems for J2EE® and other environments.
Facilities and features usually found only in high-priced, enterprise-class products are included in MyEclipse 4.0, which extends the best practices and technology available from the latest Eclipse 3.1 SDK. Building on top of an already robust development environment, MyEclipse 4.0 delivers new features that include the MyUML modeling suite, MyJSF (Java Server Faces) Developer for Java®, Specialized Oracle Database Connector Hibernate 3.0, Jakarta Tapestry and Spring IDE support.
"Eclipse has come a long way in its short history. It has done well to attract a steady but rapidly growing following from many organizations that want a quality-backed development platform that has broad and unifying support within the software industry," said Bola Rotibi, senior analyst of Software Development at Ovum. "Eclipse's application framework and pluggable architecture offers companies an excellent opportunity to capitalize on the benefits of a development platform so widely supported by the software industry."
MyEclipse is an innovative approach to offering affordable tools for Java and J2EE developers. MyEclipse subscribers have access to the Enterprise Workbench, monthly feature releases, online support and tutorials. Genuitec’s mission is to deliver business value and to maximize developers' productivity by consistently delivering reliable products and a true end-to-end, seamless development environment for Web, J2EE®, JSP, XML, Struts, JSF, Hibernate, UML Modeling and application server integration needs.
“Genuitec was a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation and a leading contributor to the Eclipse community,” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “Genuitec continues to provide a great example of the type of commercial-quality development tools that can be built when using Eclipse as a development platform.”
Priced at only $29.95, the Standard Edition of MyEclipse adds several new tools and extended features, including:
MyJSF Developer with included support for Sun JSF RI 1.1 and MyFaces 1.0.9 JSF implementations, Faces Configuration Designer with 10+ configuration wizards, integration with MyEclipse Hot-Sync Deployment and WAR Export Tools
Hibernate 3.0 support, incorporating relational persistence for Java®
Jakarta Tapestry, which includes a specification editor that offers completion suggestions, a Tapestry-aware template editor and Tapestry Project Validations
Spring IDE Integration Enhanced Oracle Connector, which enables view and editing of functions, triggers and stored procedures and includes a Procedure Runner tool for executing stored procedures
Additional connectors for WebLogic 9.0 and WebSphere 6.0, rounding out a total of 25 application server connectors.
In addition to the standard MyEclipse product, Genuitec now offers MyEclipse Professional for Enterprise development specialists with the introduction of MyUML, a complete round-trip modeling tool suite that supports use-case, class, collaboration, state, activity, and deployment diagrams. Also included are an integrated diagram editor, outline and properties viewers, free-form drawing tools, a Java code generator, and model reverse engineering, as well as diagram and XMI export. Existing MyEclipse subscribers receive a free upgrade to the Professional Edition with their subscription renewal.
"I have been a user for two years now and I never cease to be amazed at MyEclipse! I really don't know what I'd do without it. Spectacular job and support,” commented Brad Maiani, faculty member at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Now including 25 target environments, MyEclipse provides the industry’s most comprehensive application server connectors. The high cost of comprehensive tools has often been a burden to project managers and individual developers.
Despite the significant financial investment in tools and deployment, many have been surprised and even disappointed by the poor reliability, inflexibility, lack of extensibility and expensive support and upgrades.
MyEclipse responded by delivering superior features through an annual license subscription that is priced at a fraction of competitive offerings. Based on open-industry standards and the Eclipse platform, MyEclipse redefines software pricing, support and delivery release cycles by providing a complete application development environment for J2EE® WEB, XML, UML and databases and the most comprehensive array of application server connectors (25 target environments) to optimize development, deployment, testing, and portability.
More than 150,000 registered users in 133 countries use MyEclipse, including 6,000 enterprise companies since being introduced as the first commercial IDE for J2EE® in 2003. ”The team at Genuitec intimately understands the power of Eclipse and the infinite possibilities of this extraordinary platform,” said Todd Williams, Genuitec vice president of Technology and Eclipse board member. “Eclipse provided the foundation to be able to offer our product. It lowered many of the barriers traditionally found when building a world-class IDE. We will continue to extend MyEclipse to address the entire development lifecycle.”
Twice elected to the Eclipse board of directors, and a participant and contributor for more than three years, Genuitec is a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation.
Pricing and Availability
MyEclipse 4.0 will be available August 29, with the Standard Edition annual subscription priced at $29.95 USD and the Professional Edition annual subscription priced at $49.95 USD. Existing subscribers receive a free upgrade to Professional Edition with subscription renewal. Subscriptions include unlimited access to Genuitec’s direct-response online support.
About Genuitec
Genuitec, LLC is an Eclipse-based company offering innovative Java and J2EE development tools. Genuitec offers training and expert consulting and development services for the Eclipse SDK and Rich Client platforms. Genuitec joined the Eclipse Foundation early in 2003 and is currently on the board of directors, actively participating in the strategy development and direction of the organization.
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Genuitec and MyEclipse are trademarks of Genuitec, LLC. All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and should be treated as such. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.