Skywire Software’s Updated Answer Suite™ Improves Productivity and Knowledge Control

Businesses can now generate a different work process for each department, channel, customer type, or any other segmentation

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AND FRISCO, TEXAS -- October 9, 2005 -- Skywire Software today announced the release of a new version of Answer Suite. Answer Suite is a Web-based knowledge management and self-service application.

Surpassing the industry standard, Answer Suite provides a new workflow functionality that allows each business unit within a company to customize its own method for creating and managing knowledge. Using a single system, businesses can now generate a different work process for each department, channel, customer type, or any other segmentation. Traditionally, companies could only accomplish this by deploying another copy of the knowledge management application for each business unit needing its own work process.

Answer Suite’s new functionality also makes learning, using, and maintaining the system simple and efficient. Improvements in the interface with a Windows-like look-and-feel have made it more attractive and user-friendly. The new GUI also works in conjunction with a task management dashboard, which provides a snapshot of knowledge management workflow tasks that agents can browse on-demand, improving task processing and efficiency.

Additional Answer Suite enhancements include:

  • Answer Suite Integration Connectors: Recognizing a trend toward system integration and a need for a single view of the customer, the new Answer Suite works with top-quality iWave IntegratorTM, allowing flexibility to seamlessly integrate Answer Suite with numerous help desk, CRM, and other applications augmenting its capabilities.

  • Agent Reporting Metrics: Usage and statistics for agent activities to help authors and administrators understand personal work production and success, as well as find workflow bottlenecks and identify writers of the most successful and active documents.

  • Security features: Knowledge versioning and segmentation allow managers tighter control over how knowledge is created, revised, and presented.

  • Expanded Content Library: Packaged content additions include popular topics such as PC Upgrade, Troubleshooting and Repair and Norton AntiVirus.

About Skywire Software

Skywire Software is a diversified enterprise software provider. For more information, visit or call 1-866-844-8780.

Skywire Software® is a registered trademark of Skywire Software, LLC. All other names, brands or products referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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