MyEclipse 4.1 Ships New Web 2.0 Development Tools

Unique W2TP workbench integrating Spring, Hibernate and database technologies

PLANO, TX -- December 12, 2005 -- Today Genuitec, an innovator in Eclipse-based enterprise development tools, announced availability of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 4.1. Backed by world-class support, MyEclipse is the comprehensive J2EE®- and Web-development tool suite designed for enterprise developers and consultants looking for top value in a commercial-grade integrated development environment (IDE). MyEclipse 4.1 is the first Eclipse-based platform to support AJAX development, offer an integrated image editor and include new Web 2.0 development capabilities.

MyEclipse is based upon and significantly extends Eclipse 3.1 to include support for UML, XML, HTML, Struts, JSF, JSP™, JavaScript™, CSS, EJB, Tapestry, Hibernate, Spring and database/SQL/ERD technologies. MyEclipse 4.1 offers the latest Web 2.0 development features include:

  • Early access to MyEclipse Web 2.0 Tools Platform (W2TP) for lightweight, next-generation post-J2EE® technology Java Web applications

  • Advanced drag-and-drop Rapid Application Development (RAD) features with near-zero hand coding

  • The first Eclipse-based full featured image editor with extensive image creation, modification, and processing tools

  • The first Eclipse-based AJAX tools including integrated JavaScript editing and debugging capabilities

  • Expanded UML and round-trip development modeling tools including improved sequence diagram support.

This release uniquely integrates Spring, Hibernate, and database technologies into a single intuitive solution. It includes automated reverse engineering of Hibernate mapping specifications from any database schema, smart Hibernate mapping file editing, Spring-Hibernate synchronization and configuration, and generation of Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) and Data Access Objects (DAO).

“MyEclipse now serves 200,000 members in 7,000 enterprises and 136 countries, including a large portion of Fortune 1000 companies,” said Maher Masri, president of Genuitec. “We are committed to continuing support for the Eclipse open-source platforms, extending the workbench with the newest technologies and maintaining our low subscription price.”

Appropriate for all sizes of professional development projects, the MyEclipse 4.1 workbench is designed for use on Linux, Apple OS X, and Windows workstations. MyEclipse delivers a standards-based extensible platform that preserves developers’ ability to choose the latest facilities and technologies from multiple sources. The workbench provides tools that permit system deployment into a broad range of infrastructures, including coverage of over 25 application servers and connectors to over 30 database systems.

By choosing MyEclipse, enterprises get the latest technology while avoiding proprietary solutions, hidden costs and vendor lock-in.

Price and Availability

Genuitec continues its commitment to provide an affordable development platform by offering annual subscriptions to the Standard Edition for only $29.95 and Professional Edition for only $49.95. MyEclipse 4.1 will be available to download from on December 15, 2005.

About Genuitec

Genuitec LLC is an Eclipse-based company offering innovative Java and J2EE® development tools. Genuitec offers training and expert consulting and development services for the Eclipse SDK and rich client platforms. More information is available at


Genuitec and MyEclipse are trademarks of Genuitec, LLC. All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and should be treated as such. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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