NEON Automates DB2 Maintenance, Dramatically Reduces CPU Costs with RealTime DBAExpert

Sugar Land, Texas -- January 19, 2006 -- NEON Enterprise Software, Inc., a technology leader in enterprise data availability software and services, today announced the release of RealTime DBAExpert Version 5.1, a comprehensive DB2 database management tool. Supporting both batch and automated real-time maintenance, RealTime DBAExpert reduces CPU costs and increases availability.

RealTime DBAExpert exploits the use of real-time statistics to monitor database state and status and automate database management, eliminating the CPU consumption experienced when using RUNSTATS. Data availability is increased, since the catalog locking for RUNSTATS is eliminated.

For database maintenance that is performed offline, RealTime DBAExpert's Version 5.1 new RUNSTATS Avoidance feature provides similar savings by allowing database administrators to define the conditions in which they want the RUNSTATS utility run. The conditions can be based on table size, table volatility, and change thresholds. In tests on three production DB2 databases, the run time for RUNSTATS was dramatically reduced, from 50 percent to 95 percent, again reducing CPU costs and increasing data availability.

"For most companies, mainframe costs are based on CPU usage, so any product that can reduce CPU costs while increasing data availability is welcomed," said Don Pate, CEO, NESI.

RealTime DBAExpert monitors databases continuously in real time, allowing for immediate problem detection and resolution and higher data availability. Database administrators set monitoring thresholds, ensuring adherence to IT policies and procedures and allowing for minimal intervention from the database administrators. By integrating with most database maintenance solutions and job scheduling tools, existing investments are protected and maximized.

RealTime DBAExpert is a product of the NESI and Software Engineering GmbH (SEG) partnership, and is a member of the DB2 suite of solutions. NEON Enterprise Software is a technology leader in enterprise data availability software and services. For more information about NEON Enterprise Software, visit or call 281-491-6366 or 888-338-6366. Software Engineering GmbH is a leading provider of solutions for intelligent and proactive mainframe data center management. For additional information about SEG, visit

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