DataDirect Technologies Improves Data Connectivity for the .NET Platform

Latest release delivers performance, reliability, and productivity enhancements for .NET enterprise applications

BEDFORD, Mass. -- May 16, 2006 -- DataDirect Technologies today introduced the latest version of its DataDirect Connect® for ADO.NET data providers enabling developers using the most recent version of Microsoft’s .NET development platform to securely, quickly, and efficiently access application-critical data from any major database.

DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET 3.0 meets or exceeds the latest specifications for ADO.NET version 2.0 and has added new functionality as well:

  • Common Programming Model: Now that Microsoft has made generic its connection to databases, DataDirect is the only data connectivity vendor offering a database-independent ADO.NET product suite. This enables seamless interoperability between applications and any major database where critical information resides.

  • Visual Studio 2005 Integration: One of the most popular development tools used to build .NET applications, Visual Studio 2005 provides drag-and-drop, graphically based capabilities to simplify .NET development. Now DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET adds development aids integrated into Visual Studio 2005, further improving developer productivity and software performance in one, easy tool.

  • Metadata Management: Only DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET provides the most extensive level of support for developers to best understand and use their data sources. As ADO.NET 2.0 improves support for metadata management and use, DataDirect continues to provide the most comprehensive support for metadata for Oracle, DB2, Sybase, and SQL Server.

DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET is the industry’s only comprehensive suite of ADO.NET data providers built on 100 percent managed code. This unique architecture eliminates dependencies on database vendor client library software and offers enhanced performance, reliability, and security as well as simplifying deployment. The product is available for Oracle, DB2, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server databases.

About DataDirect Technologies

DataDirect Technologies is a comprehensive provider of software for connecting the world’s most critical business applications to data and services, running on any platform, using proven and emerging standards. Developers worldwide depend on DataDirect® products to connect their applications to an unparalleled range of data sources using standards-based interfaces such as ODBC, JDBCTM, and ADO.NET, XQuery, and SOAP. For more information, visit

DataDirect and DataDirect Connect are trademarks or registered trademarks of DataDirect Technologies Corp. in the U.S. and other countries. Java and all Java based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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